
每个十大菠菜靠谱平台学生都承诺遵守荣誉准则. 在日常测验中有抄袭或其他形式的学术不诚实行为, 考试, 书面作业等等, 使学生受到纪律处分, 包括可能的解雇.


Plagiarism is the representation of thoughts or passages from another author as one’s own work; collusion is collaboration with another in the preparation of term papers, or other written work; cheating is giving or receiving or soliciting information from another student during a test or examination.  在考试或测验中使用非法材料也是被禁止的.

其他禁止的活动:除了抄袭, 禁止学生为达到学业要求而故意参与欺骗或欺骗任何教职员工.


如果教授怀疑学生有学术欺诈行为, 他/她应该尝试联系或面对学生的事件. 如果有证人(e.g.,其他知道违规行为的学生),也可以联系他们. 教师和学生应填写并讨论一份“学术荣誉守则事件报告表”,,然后提交给首席学术官. 此表格概述了事件和商定的制裁,如果有的话. 即使教师认定学生没有学术不诚实行为,也应该为每一个可疑事件提交一份表格. 《十大菠菜靠谱平台》存档于首席学术官办公室.

如果教师和学生不能就案件和处罚达成一致, 此事应提交学术诚信主任调解. 如果无法达成解决方案, 学术诚信官将向首席学术官提出建议, 谁会, 与总统行政会议成员协商后作出决定, 对这件事作出最后的决定.

违纪行为特别严重的学生, 或者多次违规的人, 还会受到进一步的处罚吗, 包括强制性补救措施, 悬架, 或驱逐. 首席学术官将审查记录在案的违规行为,并在需要采取其他行动时与学生联系. 如果首席学术官施加进一步的处罚, 负责学生和机构发展的高级副校长和/或体育教练也将被告知处罚.

传统的日间和晚间课程的学术诚信官每年由教员在选举教员委员会的同时确认. The Academic Integrity Officer will: stay abreast of research on best practices in academic integrity; have access to integrity violation reports (which will be kept in the Office of the CAO); share information in order ensure consistent practices, especially in cases where students have transferred from the traditional day to the evening program or vice versa; identify individual cases requiring institutional response (e.g., repeated violations or “flagrant” first violations) 和 refer those to the CAO for action; contact students who appeal a violation report 和 counsel the student on whether 和 how to proceed; refer appeals to the CAO for a decision as necessary; generate reports for the faculty regarding patterns of integrity violations; identify strategies for improvement 和 implement effective restorative 和 preventative approaches to academic integrity (e.g.、补习、培训等.); 和 facilitate campus-wide conversations about academic integrity.

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