In the event that a student feels that he/she has been graded unfairly, 学生应该首先通过非正式的申诉来解决问题,这包括两个步骤.

Informal Grade Appeal

成绩申诉程序的第一步是寻求解决与教员的分歧. 学生必须在下个学期的第一周结束前提出课程成绩的非正式申诉. In those cases in which the faculty member agrees to a change of grade, 教师必须向教务处提交“学生学业成绩调整表”,由教务处批准或拒绝. “学生学业成绩调整”表格不迟于提出非正式申诉的学期期末考试的第一天. (If the basis for the grade appeal is harassment, the student need not discuss the grade appeal with the faculty member. 在这种情况下,学生应通知教务处,并遵循《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》中概述的骚扰政策.)

Traditional Day Students

If no resolution is reached with the faculty member, 学生应与系主任联系,以便系主任寻求解决分歧的办法. 如果主席没有达成决议,学生可以发起正式的成绩申诉. 在涉及分歧的教员是主席的情况下, the student may initiate a formal grade appeal.

Formal Grade Appeal

Grounds for Formal Grade Appeal

课程成绩的正式申诉保留给下列特定类型的案例. 仅仅不同意教师对课程作业的评估并不是正式的成绩申诉的理由. 成绩申诉必须基于反复无常、武断或有偏见的评分. The following are recognized grounds for formal grade appeal:

  • Numerical miscalculation of student grade.
  • Improper academic procedures that unfairly affected the student’s grade.
  • 没有按照课程大纲中列出的评分标准(除非教师和学生事先达成一致).
  • 由机构性骚扰政策确定的性骚扰.
  • Application of criteria that are unrelated to academic performance, such as gender, political perspectives, race, sexual orientation, nationality, or religious views, among others.

Procedures for Formal Grade Appeal

  1. 希望根据上述一项或多项标准提出正式成绩申诉的学生必须在不迟于下学期第五周的最后一天向教务处提交成绩申诉表.
  2. 教务处会在10个工作天内将表格送交年级申诉委员会. The Grade Appeals Committee shall consist of the following members:
    1. Faculty Chair of the Academic Policy and Honors Committee;
    2. Faculty Chair of the Tenure, Promotion, and Development Committee;
    3. Faculty Chair of the Athletics and Student Development Committee.

职系申诉委员会主席由教职员年资最高者担任(以年资计). If any of those members are involved in the grade dispute, 首席学术官(负责学术事务的高级副校长兼院长). Tom Perrin) shall name an alternate faculty member.

  1. 成绩申诉委员会应审查学生成绩申诉表格,以决定是否有进一步调查的初步理由.
    1. In those cases in which no justification is found, 成绩申诉委员会主席应通知学生其申诉已被驳回. 学生可以向首席学术官提出上诉(见下文“成绩的最终上诉”)。.
    2. In those cases in which there is justification for further investigation, 主席应将申诉情况通知教职员,并将学生提交的《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》发给教职员. 教师应在10个工作日内书面答复学生的成绩申诉. 答复应送交职系上诉委员会主席.
      1. The Grade Appeals Committee shall then consider all the evidence. 职系上诉委员会保留要求补充证据的权利.
      2. 委员会应在不迟于提出申诉的学期考试的第一天将其决定通知教员和学生.
      3. If the appeal is upheld, 委员会应向首席学术官建议改变成绩. 建议应以书面形式提出,并简要说明作出决定的理由.

Final Appeal of Grade

学生或教员可以对年级申诉委员会的决定向首席学术官提出申诉. In such cases, 首席学术官将审查与案件有关的所有文件和会议记录,并可能寻求额外的信息或证据. 首席学术官的决定应转达给学生和教员. The decision of the Chief Academic Officer is final.

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